2025-02-08 12:03:45

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What is IRAC?

No law course is complete without a legal analysis assignment that involves the IRAC methodology. This simple abbreviation holds a lot of importance in the field of law. Thus, you must understand even the most basic concepts properly. To help you comprehend this information easily, we have explored the world of IRAC, its importance, the methods used, and all other details.

IRAC- What is it?

IRAC stands for Issue, Rule, Application, and Conclusion. Now we will discuss the role of these individual letters and what they stand for in detail below:

IRAC - Issue

In a law assignment, the issue does not relate to the problem you are facing but is described as the problem in the question that you have been allotted. No need to get confused. We have explained it with an example below:

  • Assume that there is a lawsuit that has to be filed within one week after the legal notice has been issued. If the lawsuit was filed on Monday, you have seven business days to file your lawsuit. Unfortunately, due to some hurdles, you were unable to file the lawsuit till Friday, and since the courts do not open on Saturday or Sunday, the issue here would be whether or not the courts will accept the lawsuit on Monday. Technically, you have a period of seven working days to file the lawsuit, but your assignment said to file the lawsuit within a week. Now this ambiguous detail comprises an issue in the legal field.
  • When our experts follow the IRAC method to provide law assignment help, this is the type of issue they first look for.

IRAC - Rule

Once you have identified the issue in your problem statement, you move on to the next step. Keeping the first example in mind, we can deduce that this might not be the first time a court is facing this issue. Thus, some rules or statutes must have been created to solve this problem.

  • Once you have gone through an IRAC template looking for a rule, your task is to identify which statute or rule can you refer to so that you can easily solve your problem. This section is extremely important when you are writing law assignments because if you end up mentioning the wrong rule, your assignment is doomed.
  • One of the easiest ways to find the correct rule is to check precedent. Since the field of law and courts have been around for hundreds of years now, the probability of you finding a case that has no precedent is relatively low. So, put some time into research, rummage through old files (or Google), and find a case that is similar to yours. You find the case, you have your rule.

irac conclusion

IRAC - Application

If you were able to successfully write down the first two sections of the assignment using the IRAC style, then you are in for a treat. Once you have gained your reader respect and passed the test, your next task is to attempt the application section. It may sound difficult, but in reality, it is pretty easy. However, if you find any difficulty with the concept, later on, our assignment writing service is available round the clock to help you out. In the IRAC format, the application section simply states that the rule you have found to solve your issue has to be applied to your present case so that an analysis of whether or not it fits the context can be conducted.

  • Keeping in mind our original example, we see that courts do not count Saturdays and Sundays in working days. Thus, Australian courts came up with the Federal Court Rules 2011 (SLI No 134 Of 2011) - Rule 1.61 which specifically talks about the calculation of time in business and court days.
  • Thus, all you have to do now is apply this rule to your case and see if it works or not. Sounds simple, right? However, make sure to check that the rule you are using does not include any exceptions or it can be used against you in court. As a lawyer, it is your job to think about the arguments that may come up from both sides of the table.

IRAC - Conclusion

If you have read all the details above and reached this far, we applaud you. So, without wasting any more time, let us talk about the conclusion. Since you are following the IRAC structure so diligently, this section is where you will be asked to present the outcome. The outcome does not mean defining the result, instead, it is a summation of the results.

  • Your conclusion is responsible for summing up everything- from the very beginning till the end, in a clear, crisp, and accurate manner. You need to include everything that has happened, even the smallest points of all the sections, discuss the issue, explain what your process was of finding the appropriate rule, and if you were able to apply it successfully to the case or not.
  • Finally, you will end this section by describing what the result was and what were your observations about it.

There you have it. IRAC - The Whats and Hows explained with IRAC examples! Hopefully, you will not have to go looking for someone to explain these concepts to you again. To get your assignments done on the subject, you can contact our experts anytime to gt yourself the best assignment assistance.

About Author

I am subject matter expert in assignment writing and have been work with social activist and a lawyer in making. I feel happy by helping people who seek justice but can’t hire big lawyers. I also love meeting new people and spend my free time reading.

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