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 Trends and Challenges in Nursing

Global societies have been overhauled over time owing to various social, political, geographical, and ethical grounds. The propensity of the society to alter its belief with the popular will directly impact the welfare state function of the state. Education and healthcare are the ones deeply influenced. This has given rise to contemporary nursing and healthcare issues. Nurses are the forerunner of healthcare services whether they are state-sponsored or privately funded. The world has acknowledged the complex role of nurses in the wake of the cataclysm caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The need for nurses partaking new responsibilities and making preliminary decisions in the time of crisis has become more pressing. Nurses are required to be effective catalysts and play a major role in developing cohesion among various classes in the society, spread awareness about the basic health issues and allied domains, and take extra care and precautions for underprivileged masses by reflecting empathy. This has been a historical and contemporary issue in nursing. Therefore, students pursuing their education in this field ought to know these contemporary issues in nursing in the year 2020 and develop skills to address them in an efficacious manner.

What are Some Contemporary Nursing Healthcare Issues?

Students who observe, study, and incorporate these issues can cope with them and become better nurses. They can cater to the needs of people coming from different socio-political and demographic cultures. So, it becomes important to discuss ‘what are some contemporary nursing healthcare issues?’ Some of them are given below:-

Technological Advancement and Assistance

Informatics has become indispensable in the field of education irrespective of the discipline. It facilitates the creation of information, makes it accessible from anywhere, and propagates that information rapidly through various channels to mitigate loss in challenging times. Social media platforms with traditional modes of dissemination of information proved to be of immense value in creating awareness about the current pandemic.

Here is a list of contemporary issues in nursing from which students can create opportunities:-

  • Using the most result-oriented and advanced technological gadget.
  • Students can access research virtually through unlimited online sources and gain the latest information.
  • Making an accurate assessment of the given situation through technological prowess.
  • Acknowledgment of increased expectations from the service takers within a limited time. Develop cognitive functions to ensure a rapid response.
  • Facilitating the inclusion of technology in nursing and allied develop related skill-set.

Competency and Result Based Issues

Governmentally recognised associations and state facilitated groups have developed a set of core values and practices that all nurses are required to observe. The ability to grasp a complex topic in a given amount of time reflects the efficiency of the student. That is why there is a surge in students opting for health assignment help online. Therefore, the competency of applying what is learned in the practice is the expected outcome. This approach can be materialized by the mental acceptance of duties as a nurse. This helps in collating information to solve the problem at hand and arriving at prompt decisions.

How students can get benefitted from this approach?

  • Students focus on acquiring practical knowledge with theorizing to enhance core competency.
  • To choose the correct practice by comparing the pros and cons of multiple conflicting versions of a solution.
  • Integration of evidentiary values into practice taken from case studies, incorporating and updating any new findings from research.
  • Analysing things critically and identifying key issues that caused hurdles in realising the expected goal of the safety of the patient affected by them.

Learning in Dynamic Standards of Pedagogy

In this section, we will talk about historical and contemporary issues in nursing. Imparting education is a two-way process and new dimensions have been uprooting every one and then to enhance the experience of a student while learning. Gone are the days of passive learning that constricted students’ participation in passive listening, taking tests, etc.

Practice-based pedagogy includes and relies on:-

  • Interaction between the learner and the teacher
  • The teacher biome more like a facilitator than a lecturer
  • Collaborative learning fills the atmosphere with exuberance
  • Accountability of the student and his participation increases
  • Fundamental values of nursing like empathy and teamwork develop

Contemporary Cultural Issue Present in Nursing

The diversity in ethnicity and traditional beliefs of the patients often lead to disagreements, unwanted arguments, abuse, conflicts, face-offs, and violence. To avoid this, healthcare professionals must learn about different cultures and their beliefs to develop tolerance and patience for others. Victims of substance abuse, sexual abuse, domestic violence, and Geriatric patients are more sensitive than others. So, their care must be handled with utmost discretion and devotion. Likewise, a different class of people need a different kind of care and assistance. Sometimes, people of age are abandoned by their children because of other commitments. They need affection and attention to feel inclusive. It has been observed that a person of

Shortage of Physicians Leading to Demand of Expert Nurses

Many developed countries are witnessing an increase in the number of the elderly population and thus, escalating the demand of nurses with certain specialisation. More and more people are becoming aware of and accessing healthcare facilities. It is estimated that a developed country needs the inclusion of at least 2 million nurses in the healthcare workforce to fill the gap. A shortage of physicians has led to a demand for experienced nurse practitioners who give primary care in absence of a doctor. For nurses, this means:-

  • Making charts describing in detail the vitals of a patient accurately
  • Giving feedback and communicating about any loophole in the procedure followed
  • Extending holistic care to a patient in identifying any other ailment for which he is being admitted or diagnosed.
  • Making the patient self-reliant in taking medications on their own in case of emergency.

What are Contemporary Ethical Issues for Nursing Practice?

The right to privacy is the holy grail for every individual. Nurses are also bound by the oath of secrecy and doctor-patient confidentiality code. General awareness about the rights has grown consumer activism that conflicts with the duties of nursing. These contemporary ethical issues in nursing must be dealt with priority. This also makes it important to know contemporary ethical issues for nursing practice. Therefore, we need to develop a culture and environment where nurses feel more included than just service providers or caretakers. Professionals of this kind can help students to become experts at a privileged nursing assignment help service. Thus, following contemporary issues in nursing and healthcare can open new avenues of employment. If you want to understand more about the subject or need help in completing your nursing assignments, approach only our assignment services.

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