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NURBN2000 Reflection On Therapeutic Communication

Nursing is a field of social sciences where students come to learn about nursing standards and practices. During the study, they are asked to deal with different kinds of assignments which can be in the form of essays, clinical reasoning, dissertation, and more. Reflection is one of them where students need to provide complexity and showcase the critical understanding of the role and responsibilities of an RN (Registered Nurse. In this nursing assignment sample, we have provided sufficient information about NURBN2000 assessment which is about writing a reflection on Therapeutic Communication. This assignment becomes important as it expresses the understanding of the responsibilities of a registered nurse. Acting as an RN, you are required to assume the circumstances of therapeutic communication with the patient and communication with your fellows. NURBN2000 Reflection on Therapeutic Communication As per our nursing assignment writing expert, while writing NURBN2000 assessment, the writer can use the Gibbs Nursing Reflective Model. This model will help you in examining the professional communication style related to the scenario observed and the ways to revise, improve, and cooperate with the patient in that scenario. All these revisions and improvements are within the bounds of RN Communication and Standards.

NURBN2000 Reflection On Therapeutic Communication

The Requirement of NURBN 2000 2019 Assessment Reflection on Therapeutic Communication

In NURBN 2000 2019 assessment reflection task, you have to view and analyse the given nursing communication scenario. Being a registered nurse, focus on the Gibbs Cycle for reflection: Gibbs Cycle for reflection After this, you are required to answer the following questions.

  1. What Happened?
  2. What were you thinking/feeling about the situation?
  3. What was good and bad about the experience?
  4. What sense can you make of the situation?
  5. What else could you have done?
  6. If it arose again what would you do? (identify 2 Standards of Professional Practice and 2 communication strategies.

In the end, you should describe the reflection about your personal growth and learning once you conduct the community and fieldwork assessment. Moreover, you must be focused on these questions too to successfully complete your task.

  • Discuss the main communication and professional issues and the ways in which it has changed your thinking about the role of a nurse.
  • According to your examination, what are the main contributions to the issues identified?
  • Different challenges you have faced with your assumptions.
  • Recommend the Professional Standards of Practice & Communication Strategies that can be applied.
  • Illustrate the identified elements from this scenario which made you look for indirect aspects which impact an individual’s communication.

Now, moving ahead you will be required to explain Gibbs Reflection Cycle. Below, you can check the images and see how our expert has written the answer for this assignment.

Gibbs Reflective Cycle Model

Gibbs’ reflective model is being used to think systematically about an activity or experience with the use of all the required headings to form your reflection. Description The first step is the description where you are asked to describe the situation or incident in detail. You are required to consider the following things:

  • Where and when the situation takes place?
  • Who were there?
  • What happened?
  • How you managed?
  • What other people were doing?
  • The final result of the incident.

Feelings The next step talks about what an individual felt during that situation. During this, you must avoid the observations on his/her emotions. Use these questions to answer clearly:

  • How do you feel before and after the incident or situation?
  • How others felt before and after the situation?

Evaluation Here, the evaluation focuses on the encouragement of the people. You can ask:

  • Positive things about that situation including both negative and positive.
  • What went well or wrong?
  • Reasons behind it.
  • How you and other people contribute to that situation.

Analysis and Conclusion Analysis section in Graham Gibbs Reflective Cycle deals with the professional standards of communication and practice strategies can be applied. If you are done with the evaluation of the situation, now you can draw conclusions from that situation. You can think about the situation again with the information you have collected. Refer to the below-given questions;

  • In what ways, a situation can be made more positive.
  • In case, if you face the same incident what are the different things you would do.
  • Skills you are required to develop in order to handle such situations if held in the future.

Action Plan Here, you are required to propose few Standards of Professional Practice and some Communication Strategies that fit best with the scenario and the ways in which it affects the outcome. More details about the NURBN 2000 2019 Assessment Reflection on Therapeutic Communication can be found at Sample Assignment.

NURBN2000 Reflection On Therapeutic Communication

Order the Complete Solution of this Nursing Assignment Sample

Need help with NURBN 2000 2019 nursing reflective journal assignment answer? Get in touch with our nursing assignment help experts who provide online assistance to university students. They aid university scholars in terms of writing, editing, and proofreading their documents. Moreover, you will be get benefited from the services like live sessions, expert consultation, quality checks, and assignment samples. These samples are written by the subject-matter experts working with us for the last five years. Willing to experience our nursing assignment writing services? Then simply call, email, or WhatsApp us and we’ll get back to you with a solution to your query in the shortest time!


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Nick Johnson

Nick is a multi-faceted individual with diverse interests. I love teaching young students through coaching or writing who always gathered praise for a sharp calculative mind. I own a positive outlook towards life and also give motivational speeches for young kids and college students.

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