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persuasive speech topics

Hello readers!!! Today we will touch on a topic that will empower you for life. No, we are not going to discuss politics. Nope, not science either. Technology? Na. We are going to discuss something which is used by almost all of us knowingly or unknowingly but one who masters this has a better chance of socializing, getting their opinions known, and getting people to accept their opinions. This is no magic trick we are talking about. It is the art of persuasive speech. You must be wondering that how come something as common as a persuasive speech change anything about our lives and why should know about it.

In almost all spheres of our lives, we need to communicate. Sometimes we do so for knowing other people's emotions, feelings, and opinions but most of the time it is aimed at making people agree with our viewpoint or take on things. This is not restricted to office meetings, political speeches, or motivational talks, but is deeply blended in our daily life conversations as well.

So why not know more about what persuasive speech is and how to use it to be a better speaker and excel in every area of life? Want to learn the art of persuasive speech? Read on and find it yourself. One important thing to take note of over here is that persuasive speech is not as much about the content and tone and voice as it is about the topic of persuasive speech that we choose. The topic has to be a blend of emotions and logic. A mixed bag of information and contemplation. A narration that goes beyond just personal views, substantiated with crude facts.

What Is A Persuasive Speech?

A persuasive speech is a speech that aims at making the audience agree with the point of view of the speaker. Persuasive speech is one of the three most spoken speeches in which the speaker's goal is to convince the audience to accept one point of view or the other. Now, persuasive speech is no miracle tool where the speaker comes on the podium, utters some words, and woos the audience.

Although the main aim of the speaker in a persuasive speech is that the audience should accept an opinion, not all audiences can be made to accept a certain point of view in one speech. Sometimes, it takes multiple persuasive speeches to convince the audience and even then all of the audience does not get convinced. But that is not the goal here either. Sometimes the goal is just to accentuate or stimulate the audience. After all, some people are a hard nut to crack!!! The politicians often speak on controversial persuasive speech topics in matters related to elections to convince people and gather more and more votes.

As explained by our Persuasive Essay Help Australia, persuasion is a process. It is not a one-time hit thing. The process sometimes takes time to get people under its sway.

Importance Of Persuasive Speech

Persuasive speech has been used from ancient times, by prophets, sages, common men to the modern time presidents. With eloquence, grace, intellect, and passion, they have been able to not only change the minds of people but also to garner thousands of followers. With this kind of power, the persuasive speech was issued by religious clerics to increase the following of their religion, by politicians to win elections, by teachers to motivate the students, by motivational speakers to motivate the audience, and by the businessmen to get clients.

Components Of Persuasive Speech

Aristotle, called as one of the most influential speakers throughout history gave three components of persuasive speech which are as follows-

  1. Ethos- Ethos means the credibility of the speech. Credibility is ascertained by the presence of knowledge. The presence of knowledge should be reflected in the speech. Credibility can be seen from the authenticity of facts that the speaker mentions in his speech.
  2. Pathos- Pathos is another element that makes the persuasive speech stand class apart. Instilling emotions in the audience is a very important goal of a persuasive speech. The audience should be moved by the speech by feeling intense emotions be that emotion of compassion or fear or reverence etc.
  3. Logos- Information emotion and the next element is logic. Logic is what combines the other two elements. With logic the intellect of the audience is motivated. While pathos covers the heart of the audience, logos caters to the mind. Once the two are in consonance, the result is that the audience accepts the point of view of the speaker.

How To Write A Persuasive Speech?

Persuasive speech revolves around choosing a good persuasive speech topic. Once you have decided to write a persuasive speech, make sure to follow the given steps-

  1. Choose a topic- Choose a controversial topic. The topic should be contested both based on logic as well as emotions. E.g., abortion, marital rape, the death penalty.

You can look up persuasive speech topics or controversial topics online.

A topic may have many aspects to it. You may want to discuss any one of the aspects. Research the background, facts, and arguments of the aspect that you want to give a speech on.

  1. Set a goal for your persuasive speech- A persuasive speech may have goals as simple as bring people's attention to the arguments you are presenting to make them take an action or omit to do something. Your intensity of persuasion must depend on the goals you are trying to achieve. Don't forget to check the samples of the persuasive speeches online to get a heck of the different ways of framing a persuasive speech.
  1. Try to understand the audience- Identify your audience, the different characteristics of the audience, the prior beliefs of the audience. Once you know your audience well, you would be able to know how to navigate the audience from one point of view to the other without making them feel threatened and intimidated.
  1. Frame an argument- No matter how controversial a topic is unless it is tilted towards a particular stance, it will not be fit for being used in a persuasive speech. There may be many arguments or stands on your chosen topic, make your stand known, and then you can connect your stand to the other stands on the topic. By relating your argument with contrasting arguments, you will be able to add authenticity to your topic.

Introduce your argument in a peculiar way that combines emotion and logic. Either start with a rhetoric question or a bandwagon appeal. See what works for the topic and your stand. At any cost, avoid boredom. You don't want to start the persuasive speech on a cold note.

  1. Structure of speech- the speech should be structured in a way that introduces your topic clearly along with the importance of your topic. State statistics in the middle of the speech. Connect the facts with your argument and other counter-arguments and with each comparison elucidate how your argument is better. This should be based on logic. The conclusion of each of your arguments however should touch the emotional chords of the audience. The balance of logic and emotions should be taken care of in every section of the speech.

Topics For Persuasive Speech On Arts

  • Arts- a compulsory subject in all schools?
  • Museums - treasures of art and culture or symbol of colonialism?
  • Should offensive language be removed from classic literature?
  • What is better, Paper books or e-books?
  • Are we losing young artists by not giving them the due credit?
  • Are we promoting only limited artforms?

Persuasive Topics For Speech On Economy

  • Brexit- connecting with your roots or alienation of Great Britain?
  • Minimum Wages- Is it enough?
  • Capitalism v socialism - the way to future
  • Should employees receive a bonus for walking to work?
  • Free trade agreements are bad for the workers
  • Difference between men and women salary - A bias that exists in educated society

Top Persuasive Speech Topics On Entertainment

  • Theatres- the dying art?
  • Reality shows and the acceptance of violence as a way of life
  • Should child labour be banned in entertainment shows?
  • How necessary it is to limit sarcasm in comedy shows?
  • Are Entertainment shows showing pointless content?
  • How important is parents' access to their kids entertainment channels?

Top Persuasive Speech Ideas On Academics

  • Commercialization of education
  • Digitalization of education- means of inclusion or exclusion
  • Are we forcing children to opt for online mediums?
  • What are the ways to optimise the education system?
  • How Important is sex education for kids?
  • Death penalty- Effective remedy or redundant practice?
  • Substance abuse- Case of abuse or the result thereof.
  • Should live-in relationships be legalised?
  • Should prostitution be legalised?
  • Social media and its effect on our preception

Top Persuasive Speech Topics On Environment

  • The legality and morality of zoos
  • Noise pollution- the ignored pollution
  • Should Plastic be banned completely?
  • Save animals by banning animal testing
  • Why we need to work towards oil conversation?

Interesting Persuasive Speech Topics For College Students On Fashion

  • Fast fashion- a killer of the idea of style?
  • Who decides fashion?
  • Is Fashion a way to define someone's status?
  • Is Fashion responsible for creating a typecast in society?
  • Are we not talking about the damage the fashion industry is causing to the environment?

Simple Persuasive Speech Topics On Motivation

  • Dreams and reality- How to strike a balance?
  • Is happiness just a state of mind?
  • What makes a winner win the hearts of people?
  • Are people losing patience due to increased competition?
  • How important it is to work for a better world?

Creative Persuasive Speech Topics On travel

  • Ecotourism - the new thing in the world of travel
  • Rural tourism - boon or bane?
  • Are we damaging nature's beauty through tourism?
  • Trekking - A way to explore nature or littering?
  • Are animals paying the price of rising tourism?

Interesting Persuasive Speech Topics On Technology

  • Is data the new monster?
  • Is the internet killing the need for libraries?
  • Technology is uniting us or isolating us?
  • How important it is to move towards energy-efficient systems?
  • How important it is to make the internet accessible to everyone?

So, wasn't this blog interesting? I am sure it was. For more such wonderful information, come to our experts who will not only guide you with how to write the best persuasive speech on just any topic under the sun but also help you in writing a terrific assignment on persuasive speech. With a great command of English and excellent writing skills, our experts can write a persuasive speech that can move people from one end of the spectrum of views to another in a matter of seconds.

So what are you waiting for? If you are wondering to write or get a persuasive speech written for that debate in your school or college which you are aiming to win, then contact us and wait for the masterpiece to come to you. Our English Persuasive Oral Assignment help Australia is affordable, fully laid with quality, and speedy. To make the most of our assignment help offers click on the order button on our website and see our sales team swarming to you like bees. Submit your topic If you have chosen one. Let us do it for you in case you are confused.

About Author
Nick Johnson

Nick is a multi-faceted individual with diverse interests. I love teaching young students through coaching or writing who always gathered praise for a sharp calculative mind. I own a positive outlook towards life and also give motivational speeches for young kids and college students.

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