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Conversant With Academic Writing

As a student you will find that writing academic essays, submitting research papers, a dissertation is an integral part of your curriculum. You will be expected to submit papers to research journals with a ranking, present papers in research conferences, attend symposiums, contribute chapters to academic books. This is part and parcel of the scholastic life led by academics, research students, graduate students who are engaged in intensive research.

Understanding What Academic Writing Is!

An academic essay is a formal genre of writing. It is a research-oriented document, a very powerful and focused form of writing. It requires a lot of discipline. One that is written with the explicit purpose of foregrounding a thesis statement and gathering evidence in its support. Writing a lengthy and sustained discourse with a dedicated format is not easy. It is a complex and challenging piece of academic writing, but with dependable experts’ essay writing help, you can remove all your complexities in a jiffy.

Why Students Fail While Writing an Academic Essay

As a student, you have often failed to deliver your best while writing an academic essay. It can be very frustrating to see hard work and authentic research going uncredited because of a lack of proper academic writing. The reasons could be many but the high point is that they can be easily resolved just by getting some good academic writing help.

Points to Focus to Improve Your Academic Writing Skills.

Mind Your Language – Unlike an ordinary essay, an academic essay is not written in a conversational or colloquial style. The language is formal, crisp, clear, and concise. It avoids ambiguity. If you can grasp the fundamentals of crisp academic writing the world of scholarly writing will be forever accessible to you.

Pay Attention to the Format and Structure

Academic writing follows certain tenets and structure. Foremost, remember the strength of an academic essay lies in its thesis statement. Work your bones off to make it succinct, clear, and crisp. Exercise economy of words, the more you hone it the more effective is your document going to be.

Evaluate, Understand and Review the requisites of your Academic Writing with our Online Essay Editor

Academic Writing has different prerequisites. So, the first step is to ascertain what is the academic essay about? Is it a review, a comparison, contrast, an assessment? Be mindful of the same, follow an academic writing guide, and accordingly start tabulating the draft of your academic writing:

  • Do not Procrastinate: Academic writing is a time-consuming process.
  • Mind Mapping: Jot down the ideas, do drain storming, assess and validate the ideas, discard shallow ideas, hone the better ones.
  • Collate Data: To write a good academic paper do collate a lot of data from various resources. Make sure that the data that you collect is authentic and credible.
  • Make expansive notes and then edit and discard the extraneous material.
  • Once your research is done, let the ideas settle. Focus and then organize using only relevant data.
  • Prepare the first draft and then improve on it steadily.
  • Focus on the draft for a while, take a break and reengage and you will find newer perspectives and also will be able to eliminate the fault lines.
  • Finalizing the draft – this is a time-consuming process.
  • Edit, edit, and edit.
  • Proofread the draft multiple times.
  • Check the Citation Stylesheet very assiduously also make sure the citation is appropriate and as per the advised stylesheet. Different academic disciplines have different stylesheets. Be very familiar with the stylesheet.
  • See if the flow of ideas is flawless it should be without effort.
  • Making it readable and engaging.
  • Do an Audience Analysis
  • Think Critically, Present Complex ideas in a sorted and logical manner
  • Be extra cautious to avoid use slang, abbreviations, and jargon.
  • Make short Paragraphs and the transition from one paragraph to another should be seamless.
  • Write in the third person
  • Use Active voice while writing and completely avoid the use of passive voice.
  • Avoid wordiness and use of obscure words
  • Do not plagiarize. Plagiarism is one of the most common errors that students fall victim to. Using internet resources without caution is not at all advisable and causes a lot of damage.
  • Practice academic integrity
  • Be open to feedback – it is not a bad idea to seek help from others. Often one becomes immune to faults in our writing which could be at various levels – the paucity of research, poor organization, the strenuous flow of ideas, ambiguous language, too wordy or poor citation. The same can be reviewed with the help of another expert before submission.

Follow these academic writing tips with professionalism given by our Research Essay Writing Help experts and there can be no doubt regarding the quality and credibility of your academic writing. Do not ever forget that academic writing demands professionalism. One false step and your document will lose all relevance and sanctity. You need to appreciate the difference between informal writing and the formal genre of academic writing. Once this basic principle has been put in place the rest is relatively easy and deliverable!

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