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Administrative Management Theory

What Is Administrative Management Theory?

Hey guys! Hope you are doing well. Today we back with another important topic in which we will briefly discuss administrative management theory and its components.

As soon as you start learning, your career progresses, you may unearth many opportunities, technical tasks and would spend time planning strategy. The Administrative Theory of management is incorporated into our recent understanding of management practice. It is concerned with the design and management of an organization. Many theorists have contributed to Administrative Management Theory and developed several process-based approaches that recognized management activities assets for independent purposes. Henri Fayol recognized that the proficiency that made employees good at their jobs didn't necessarily make them good managers.

Administrative Management Theory Definition

Administrative management theory is also known as Fayol's administrative management theory because Administrative management theory is given by Henri Fayol's management theory that effort to find a coherent way to plan an organization.

Henry Fayol was the managing director, industrialist, and mining engineer who was renowned for his work in the field of management science Administration Industrielle et Generale" in 1916 A.D. After some years, his book was published as the translated version "General and Industrial Management". The theory is commonly known for a clear division of labour, the administrative structure, and the allocation of power and authority to administrators appropriate to their region of responsibilities.

What Is The Importance Of Administrative Management Theory?

Administrative management theory primarily focuses on improving the efficiency of management so that lower-level employees can recognize appropriately and the tasks can be done consistently. Here are some benefits of good administrative management that shows its importance:

  1. Healthy Financial Situation: Administrative management has a prominent role in managing the financial relationships of a business association. It is a management strategy that majorly focuses on preserving all expenses within the budget and ensures no depletion of money to keep a strong financial situation.
  2. Data-based Decisions: Administrative management theory avoids any assumption or whim in the organization's decision-making process. All decisions are taken based on information gathered related to past and present activities of the organization and the future perspective.
  3. Assistance in Acquiring Goals This resourceful management strategy assists in achieving the company's principal goals. Each policy should be structured after a serious analysis based on the business projects, leading to improved actions and accomplishment of desired targets.
  4. Higher Productivity: According to Administrative Management Theory by Fayol, it aims to coordinate properly-placed ability: individual resources gain the highest output. The management theory focuses on the capabilities and assigns the task as per the abilities, leading to more rapid results and higher production.
  5. Customer Satisfaction and Advanced Employees: It helps enhance employees' agreement level by appropriately assigning their work per their skills. Employees feel motivated towards their job roles or tasks, improving their overall performance quality, leading to increased customer satisfaction.

According To Fayol, What Are Functions Of A Manager?

The functions may vary depending upon the nature of duties and responsibilities of the manager. Henri Fayol states the following functions:

  • Planning: Planning includes the structural planning of actions and determining the goals and objectives of the action.
  • Organizing: Organizing refers to creating an organizational structure to work together with human resources and non-human resources.
  • Commanding: Commands show the direction given by managers to the subordinates.
  • Coordinating: Organizations have various divisions coordinating process brings the actions of different divisions and departments and integrates their efforts to fulfil organizational goals.
  • Controlling: Controlling refers to comparing the company's actual performance with the desired performance level and analysing if there is any improvement required.

Henri Fayol's Principles Of Management

Henri Fayol gives 14 principles given which particularity focused on management functions of a company. The principles can be implied to any association/corporation globally.

Henri Fayol's management theory proposed that these principles are not firm, but they are flexible to use as per the requirements. So it completely up to the managers as to how they use the organization and manage efficiently. Here are 14 guiding principles by Henry Fayol are:

  1. Initiative: It can be defined as the level of freedom that a company provides to its employees to carry out certain plans and tasks without interfering and forcing them. This helps to develop curiosity and enthusiasm in the workers by inspiring and gratifying the employees.
  2. Equity: Equity resembled that all the staff in a company are equal and should be treated evenly.
  3. Remuneration of workers:It is crucial to provide monetary and non-monetary compensation as per the performance level. Remuneration should be fair, rational, and reasonable.
  4. Unity of Direction: As per Fayol's principles, there must be only one supervisor under the management and plan. The teams must have equivalent aims and objectives to move onward.
  5. Unity of Command: As per this principle, an employee must receive orders only from the supervisor. An employee should be responsible to the direct manager only. There must only be one manager to direct the staff; this is important to avoid any misunderstanding; thus will be helpful for the employees to be faithful to the doings.
  6. Scalar Chain: Fayol's Administrative Management Theory states that top managers must be chained from top administration to lower-level administration based on the chain of command order. The top head of an organization should be at the peak of the chain so that message flows top to bottom end thoroughly to the chain of authority of superiors.
  7. Authority and Responsibility: Basically, authority is the power to formulate decisions, whereas responsibility is a commitment of a staff member to execute a certain selected job and be responsible to the administrator. There ought to be a sense of balance between the two crucial factors, responsibility, and authority.
  8. Individual Interest to General Interest: Commonly, there are two form interests: individual and corporate interest. According to this principle, there should be synchronization among two interests. Corporate interest should be prioritized as doing well for the association and carrying incentives for the individuals.
  9. Discipline: The organization must establish the rules and regulations so that every employee works obediently and respectfully. Reward-punishment system, clarity of regulations, good management, etc., are various ways to sustain discipline.
  10. Stability of term: Giving job security can enhance the efficiency of employees. This benefits the company as it subordinates the industry earnings and minimizes new employees' hiring and training procedures.
  11. Division of Work: This theory states that the whole accomplishment of administration must be divided into parts. Employees must be assigned the jobs as per their capabilities, interests, and skills. This theory helps to make the workers more valuable and efficient.
  12. Centralization: This belief states that the top-level administration ought to be centralized to the top management level. Therefore there must be an allocation of authority to the subordinate, keeping in mind that the capability to make the imperative judgments in the company ought to stay with the top management.
  13. Order: This opinion facilitates human resources should be appropriately utilized in the company. Giving the right job to the right man is critical in the actual operations of the company. Therefore, management ought to classify responsibilities and put them properly with employees and other sources.
  14. Esprit de Corps: This theory indicates team spirit. An organization must incorporate all its actions on the way to a single ambition and objective. There should be an integrated team involvement in synchronization and teamwork, which is constantly better than the collective of individual performances.

Therefore, these are the 14 Administrative management theories given by Fayol that helped make ability management more proficient and allow administrators to build essential skills.

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